Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of TracPermissions

Mar 2, 2017 6:39:50 AM (8 years ago)



  • TracPermissions

    v1 v2  
    1 = Trac Permissions =
     1= Trac Permissions
    44Trac uses a simple, case sensitive, permission system to control what users can and can't access.
    6 Permission privileges are managed using the [TracAdmin trac-admin] tool or (new in version 0.11) the ''General / Permissions'' panel in the ''Admin'' tab of the web interface.
     6Permission privileges are managed using the [TracAdmin trac-admin] tool or the ''General / Permissions'' panel in the ''Admin'' tab of the web interface.
    88In addition to the default permission policy described in this page, it is possible to activate additional permission policies by enabling plugins and listing them in the `[trac] permission_policies` configuration entry in the TracIni. See TracFineGrainedPermissions for more details.
    1111In addition to these privileges, users can be granted additional individual rights in effect when authenticated and logged into the system. All logged in users belong to the virtual group "authenticated", which inherits permissions from "anonymous".
    13 == Graphical Admin Tab ==
    14 ''This feature is new in version 0.11.''
    16 To access this tab, a user must have `TRAC_ADMIN privileges`. This can be performed as follows (more on the trac-admin script below):
     13== Graphical Admin Tab
     15To access this tab, a user must have one of the following permissions: `TRAC_ADMIN`, `PERMISSION_ADMIN`, `PERMISSION_GRANT`, `PERMISSION_REVOKE`. The permissions can be granted using the `trac-admin` command (more on `trac-admin` below):
    1817  $ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission add bob TRAC_ADMIN
    21 Then, the user will be able to see the Admin tab, and can then access the permissions menu. This menu will allow you to perform all the following actions, but from the browser without requiring root access to the server (just the correct permissions for your user account).
    24 == Available Privileges ==
     20Then, the user `bob` will be able to see the Admin tab, and can then access the permissions menu. This menu will allow you to perform all the following actions, but from the browser without requiring root access to the server (just the correct permissions for your user account). '''Use at least one lowercase character in user names, as all-uppercase names are reserved for permissions.'''
     22 1. [[Image(htdocs:../common/guide/admin.png)]]
     23 1. [[Image(htdocs:../common/guide/admin-permissions.png)]]
     24 1. [[Image(htdocs:../common/guide/admin-permissions-TICKET_ADMIN.png)]]
     26An easy way to quickly secure a new Trac install is to run the above command on the anonymous user, install the [ AccountManagerPlugin], create a new admin account graphically and then remove the TRAC_ADMIN permission from the anonymous user.
     28From the graphical admin tab, users with `PERMISSION_GRANT` will only be allowed to grant permissions that they possess, and users with `PERMISSION_REVOKE` will only be allowed to revoke permissions that they possess. For example, a user cannot grant `MILESTONE_ADMIN` unless they have `PERMISSION_GRANT` and `MILESTONE_ADMIN`, and they cannot revoke `MILESTONE_ADMIN` unless they have `PERMISSION_REVOKE` and `MILESTONE_ADMIN`. `PERMISSION_ADMIN` just grants the user both `PERMISSION_GRANT` and `PERMISSION_REVOKE`, and users with `TRAC_ADMIN` can grant or revoke any permission.
     30== Available Privileges
    2632To enable all privileges for a user, use the `TRAC_ADMIN` permission. Having `TRAC_ADMIN` is like being `root` on a *NIX system: it will allow you to perform any operation.
    2834Otherwise, individual privileges can be assigned to users for the various different functional areas of Trac ('''note that the privilege names are case-sensitive'''):
    30 === Repository Browser ===
     36=== Repository Browser
    3238|| `BROWSER_VIEW` || View directory listings in the [wiki:TracBrowser repository browser] ||
    3541|| `CHANGESET_VIEW` || View [wiki:TracChangeset repository check-ins] ||
    37 === Ticket System ===
     43=== Ticket System
    3945|| `TICKET_VIEW` || View existing [wiki:TracTickets tickets] and perform [wiki:TracQuery ticket queries] ||
    4046|| `TICKET_CREATE` || Create new [wiki:TracTickets tickets] ||
    4147|| `TICKET_APPEND` || Add comments or attachments to [wiki:TracTickets tickets] ||
    42 || `TICKET_CHGPROP` || Modify [wiki:TracTickets ticket] properties (priority, assignment, keywords, etc.) except description field, cc field add/remove when logged in or set email to pref ||
    43 || `TICKET_MODIFY` || Includes both `TICKET_APPEND` and `TICKET_CHGPROP`, and in addition allows resolving [wiki:TracTickets tickets] ||
     48|| `TICKET_CHGPROP` || Modify [wiki:TracTickets ticket] properties (priority, assignment, keywords, etc.) with the following exceptions: edit description field, add/remove other users from cc field when logged in, and set email to pref ||
     49|| `TICKET_MODIFY` || Includes both `TICKET_APPEND` and `TICKET_CHGPROP`, and in addition allows resolving [wiki:TracTickets tickets]. Tickets can be assigned to users through a [TracTickets#Assign-toasDrop-DownList drop-down list] when the list of possible owners has been restricted. ||
    4450|| `TICKET_EDIT_CC` || Full modify cc field ||
    4551|| `TICKET_EDIT_DESCRIPTION` || Modify description field ||
    46 || `TICKET_ADMIN` || All `TICKET_*` permissions, plus the deletion of ticket attachments and modification of the description field ||
     52|| `TICKET_EDIT_COMMENT` || Modify another user's comments. Any user can modify their own comments by default. ||
     53|| `TICKET_BATCH_MODIFY` || [wiki:TracBatchModify Batch modify] tickets ||
     54|| `TICKET_ADMIN` || All `TICKET_*` permissions, deletion of ticket attachments and modification of the reporter field, which grants ability to create a ticket on behalf of another user (it will appear that another user created the ticket). It also allows managing ticket properties through the web administration module. ||
    4856Attention: the "view tickets" button appears with the `REPORT_VIEW` permission.
    50 === Roadmap ===
    52 || `MILESTONE_VIEW` || View a milestone ||
     58=== Roadmap
     60|| `MILESTONE_VIEW` || View milestones and assign tickets to milestones. ||
    5361|| `MILESTONE_CREATE` || Create a new milestone ||
    5462|| `MILESTONE_MODIFY` || Modify existing milestones ||
    5563|| `MILESTONE_DELETE` || Delete milestones ||
    5664|| `MILESTONE_ADMIN` || All `MILESTONE_*` permissions ||
    57 || `ROADMAP_VIEW` || View the [wiki:TracRoadmap roadmap] page, is not (yet) the same as MILESTONE_VIEW, see #4292 ||
    58 || `ROADMAP_ADMIN` || to be removed with #3022, replaced by MILESTONE_ADMIN ||
    60 === Reports ===
     65|| `ROADMAP_VIEW` || View the [wiki:TracRoadmap roadmap] page, is not (yet) the same as MILESTONE_VIEW, see [trac:#4292 #4292] ||
     66|| `ROADMAP_ADMIN` || to be removed with [trac:#3022 #3022], replaced by MILESTONE_ADMIN ||
     68=== Reports
    6270|| `REPORT_VIEW` || View [wiki:TracReports reports], i.e. the "view tickets" link. ||
    6775|| `REPORT_ADMIN` || All `REPORT_*` permissions ||
    69 === Wiki System ===
     77=== Wiki System
    7179|| `WIKI_VIEW` || View existing [wiki:TracWiki wiki] pages ||
    7280|| `WIKI_CREATE` || Create new [wiki:TracWiki wiki] pages ||
    7381|| `WIKI_MODIFY` || Change [wiki:TracWiki wiki] pages ||
     82|| `WIKI_RENAME` || Rename [wiki:TracWiki wiki] pages ||
    7483|| `WIKI_DELETE` || Delete [wiki:TracWiki wiki] pages and attachments ||
    7584|| `WIKI_ADMIN` || All `WIKI_*` permissions, plus the management of ''readonly'' pages. ||
    77 === Permissions ===
     86=== Permissions
    7988|| `PERMISSION_GRANT` || add/grant a permission ||
    8190|| `PERMISSION_ADMIN` || All `PERMISSION_*` permissions ||
    84 === Others ===
     92=== Others
    8694|| `TIMELINE_VIEW` || View the [wiki:TracTimeline timeline] page ||
    8795|| `SEARCH_VIEW` || View and execute [wiki:TracSearch search] queries ||
    8896|| `CONFIG_VIEW` || Enables additional pages on ''About Trac'' that show the current configuration or the list of installed plugins ||
    89 || `EMAIL_VIEW` || Shows email addresses even if [wiki:0.11/TracIni `trac show_email_addresses` configuration option is `false`] ||
    91 == Granting Privileges ==
     97|| `EMAIL_VIEW` || Shows email addresses even if [wiki:TracIni#trac-section trac show_email_addresses] configuration option is false ||
     99== Creating New Privileges
     101To create custom permissions, for example to be used in a custom workflow, enable the optional [trac:ExtraPermissionsProvider tracopt.perm.config_perm_provider.ExtraPermissionsProvider] component in the "Plugins" admin panel, and add the desired permissions to the `[extra-permissions]` section in your [wiki:TracIni#extra-permissions-section trac.ini]. For more information, please refer to the documentation  on the [wiki:TracIni#extra-permissions-section TracIni] page after enabling the component.
     103== Granting Privileges
    93105You grant privileges to users using [wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin]. The current set of privileges can be listed with the following command:
    113 == Permission Groups ==
    115 There are two built-in groups, "authenticated" and "anonymous".[[BR]]
    116 Any user who has not logged in is automatically in the "anonymous" group.[[BR]]
    117 Any user who has logged in is also in the "authenticated" group.[[BR]]
    118 The "authenticated" group inherits permissions from the "anonymous" group.[[BR]]
    119 eg. if the "anonymous" group has permission WIKI_MODIFY, it's not necessary to add the WIKI_MODIFY permisison to the "authenticated" group as well.
     125== Permission Groups
     127There are two built-in groups, "authenticated" and "anonymous".
     128Any user who has not logged in is automatically in the "anonymous" group.
     129Any user who has logged in is also in the "authenticated" group.
     130The "authenticated" group inherits permissions from the "anonymous" group.
     131For example, if the "anonymous" group has permission WIKI_MODIFY,
     132it is not necessary to add the WIKI_MODIFY permission to the "authenticated" group as well.
    121134Custom groups may be defined that inherit permissions from the two built-in groups.
    132 Group membership can be checked by doing a {{{permission list}}} with no further arguments; the resulting output will include group memberships. '''Use lowercase for group names, as uppercase is reserved for permissions'''.
    134 == Adding a New Group and Permissions ==
     145Group membership can be checked by doing a {{{permission list}}} with no further arguments; the resulting output will include group memberships. '''Use at least one lowercase character in group names, as all-uppercase names are reserved for permissions'''.
     147== Adding a New Group and Permissions
    135148Permission groups can be created by assigning a user to a group you wish to create, then assign permissions to that group.
    144 == Removing Permissions ==
     157== Removing Permissions
    146159Permissions can be removed using the 'remove' command. For example:
    165 == Default Permissions ==
     178== Default Permissions
    167180By default on a new Trac installation, the `anonymous` user will have ''view'' access to everything in Trac, but will not be able to create or modify anything.
    168181On the other hand, the `authenticated` users will have the permissions to ''create and modify tickets and wiki pages''.
    170  '''anonymous'''::
    171185 BROWSER_VIEW
    180194 TICKET_VIEW
    181195 TIMELINE_VIEW
    182  WIKI_VIEW
    184  '''authenticated'''::
     196 WIKI_VIEW
    185201 TICKET_CREATE
    186202 TICKET_MODIFY
    187203 WIKI_CREATE
    188204 WIKI_MODIFY 
    191207See also: TracAdmin, TracGuide and TracFineGrainedPermissions